A Brief History of the Gober Cemetery



In the "History of Gober Cemetery" the earliest grave recorded in the Cemetery is 1865. Through money raised by selling eggs, butter and small gifts of money, a tabernacle was erected in 1875. The earliest recorded gift of land to the Cemetery was in 1909 when the Carpenter family gave an additional two and one half acres.

In 1977, with great vision, board members V.R. Smith, Joetta Wallace, H.O. Porter, John Babers, A.D. Woodson, Bill Sparks, Norris Carpenter and Wynel Crick, under the leadership of president Z.W. Trout, recognized a time when the Cemetery could no longer be properly maintained with hand tools and volunteer help, established the Gober Perpetual Care Cemetery with $6,900 in the bank.

While the process for maintaining the Cemetery changed, we, Gober populace and descendants of earlier residents, still retain that same vision of equal sacrifice and shared responsibility in maintaining the cemetery consistent with the mores of the day.

The achievements and hardships of these people who are resting in the Gober Cemetery will forever enhance the beauty of the past and present life of Gober.

"There is a contract that even death cannot break." Z.W. Trout went on to say, "This emotional feeling of love for all was observed on the faces of the people who chose to honor their loved ones on this outstanding and reverent Memorial Day. The achievements and hardships of these people who are resting in the Gober Cemetery will forever enhance the beauty of the past and present life of Gober."

Historical Documents

The following PDF documents offer a more in-depth history of the Cemetery:

Gober Cemetery Complete History

Articles of Association